Katie Price, Cher Lloyd join Snickers Twitter takeover

Katie Price and Cher Lloyd are among the famous faces taking part in a promotional campaign by Snickers.

Messages which appeared out of character for each of the celebrities were posted on their Twitter feeds - leaving followers questioning if the accounts had been hacked.

Katie Price

Attracting widespread attention yesterday afternoon, Price's feed included messages relating to the global debt crisis.

"Great news about China's latest GDP figures!!" one tweet read, while another said: "OMG!! Eurozone debt problems can only be properly solved by true fiscal union!!! #comeonguys".

Cher Lloyd, Snickers

Ian Botham
Amir Kahn

The celebrities then reveal their involvement by tweeting a picture of themselves holding a Snickers, writing: "You're not you when you're hungry."

'Swagger Jagger' star Lloyd became involved this afternoon, apparently outing herself as a fan of Russian literature, claiming: "Pushkin Rocks!! These Russians are *so* gloomy!! LOL!!!"

Others to have taken part in the campaign - which has been criticised by various commentators - include boxer Amir K! han and Ian Botham.

> Katie Price, Amy Willerton don catsuits to celebrate signing: Pictures
